1. Sunday Services
10.00 am Worship — an atmosphere of warmth and friendliness, respectful of traditions of the church, without being traditional.
A Communion Service is held on the first Sunday of each month. We invite all those who look for the compassion and love of God, to share with us
At any time you may choose to worship with us on zoom this will be available each week (details are below).
The Services are also posted to Youtube weekly – details below
JOIN US for our 10.00am Sunday in person or on ZOOM or Dial In By Phone.
To Join the Church Service by Zoom on the internet go to https://zoom.us/j/95499246569?wd=T2tvSlp6Vmw0dGJqZHNUQnhpMm4wUT09 Meeting ID: 954 9924 6569 Passcode: 729938
To Join the Church Service by DIAL IN BY PHONE
Landline 03 7018 2005 (mobile +61370182005) then use Meeting ID 954 9924 6569 and password 729938 when prompted
If you press *6 on your mobile or landline it will mute and unmute the phone
People are welcome to join in on the virtual morning tea after the service , even by phone.
You Tube
St. Mark’s now has a YouTube presence to assist in keeping you informed. Most Sunday services are stored on this site.
To visit the site go to https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCml6on_GmBV_h31aTJ5TfjA or search Google: YouTube Mornington
2. The Rest of the Week
Home Group.
Home Groups – A variety of groups operate face to face during the year. Our online group meets on Tuesday evenings please contact the church office for further details.