Our Church in Action

Our Church in Action

Book Club

First Monday of the Month –  7.30pm

Mahjong Club

Sundays 1.00pm


Lunch first Sunday of the month after worship

Monthly Dine-Out

Friends of St Marks meet at a local hotel or restaurant at 6.00pm on the fourth Wednesday of the month. Bookings are essential. Please contact the office for details on how to book.

Coffee and Chat

2nd Tuesday of the Month 2.00 – 4.00 at Biscottini Cafe

Pastoral Carers

Pastoral Carers are a group of people who meet regularly to ensure the pastoral needs of the congregation are met.

Each member of the congregation is included for care by at least one of many Pastoral Carers. Carers offer support in many ways, where needed, and let the minister know if additional support can be given.

Uniting Church Adult Fellowship Group

The Uniting Church Adult Fellowship Group meets on the fourth Monday of the month in the Friendship Room at 2 pm. The group spends time sharing from their life experiences and periodically having specific speakers.

The group sponsors a child’s education in the St Judes School in Africa and organises fund raising events for both outreach organisations and the church. We welcome all new members.

The Joy of Art

Thursdays  2.00pm


Not currently meeting.

Community Food Distribution Programme

In partnership with the Mornington Community Information Centre and Second Bite, free fruit and vegetables are served to the community from St Marks’ premises on Thursday mornings, with help from community organisations.

Men’s Paper Tie-Up Group


Men’s Paper Tie Up Group meets at the church at 8.00am on Tuesdays to tie up newspapers which are sold to raise money for charities. Papers are collected by a group of hardworking volunteers during the week from retirement villages and cafes and are also left in a shed at the Church by members of the public.

Interchurch Network

Meets monthy to share forthcoming initiatives and to plan interchurch activities on the Peninsula